Re: Frequency of reboot?

From: Malcolm B.J. Garbutt <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 1997 10:49:20 +1000 (EST)

On Tue, 1 Jul 1997, Tom Minchin wrote:

> >
> > My server takes not more than 5 mins to restart if it was shut down
> > cleanly. Tom, are you shutdown squid before restart? A simplest way is to
> > send a TERM signal to squid process and wait until it terminate. If you
> > start from RunCache, it will restart squid in 10 seconds.
> >
> Oh sure Squid restarts in 10 seconds, but then it has to load in the metadata
> for cached objects...
Hmm Just some feedback here

on a complete shutdown and restart,
our squid
10 Gig hdd (1 drive)
128MB Ram
takes about 20 Secs to restart, it operates fine while reading the data

But on another note
before we loaded the additional 64MB Ram it used to be unusable for about
40 Minutes.


Malcolm Garbutt
Network Operations-

Office Ph. 03 50 212 991 Office Fax 03 50 212 932
Emergency Ph. 018 596 150

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Received on Mon Jun 30 1997 - 17:18:36 MDT

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