squid 1.1.14+retry

From: Christian Krackowizer <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 09:33:50 +0200

If have installed Mike Pelletier's connect-retry patch for 1.1.14 on our
After configuring parents and siblings, squid dies with a segment violation.
'Old' 1.1.14 runs fine.


Christian Krackowizer | email: kra1@technodat.co.at
TECHNODAT CAD/CAM - Systeme fuer Moebel GmbH | Phone: +43 - (0)662-454944-0
Jakob-Haringer-Strasse 6 | FAX: +43 - (0)662-454944-9
A-5020 Salzburg | Compuserve: 74343,2225
AUSTRIA | http://www.technodat.co.at
Received on Mon Jul 28 1997 - 00:40:13 MDT

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