Re: Squid 1.1.17 and Digital UNIX 4.0

From: Christian Krackowizer <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 1997 08:54:55 +0100

At 08:49 19.11.97 -0800, you wrote:
> writes:
>>I'm using a DEC AXP 3000 running Digital UNIX 4.0. I had no problems
>>compiling and installing Squid. After a while Squid dies with the following
>>messages in cache.log:
>>97/11/19 16:34:11| Shutting down...
>>97/11/19 16:34:11| storeWriteCleanLog: Starting...
>>97/11/19 16:34:11| Finished. Wrote 14 lines.
>>97/11/19 16:34:11| Took 0 seconds ( 14.0 lines/sec).
>>CPU Usage: user 0 sys 0
>>Maximum Resident Size: 3144 KB
>>Page faults with physical i/o: 0
>>Memory usage for squid via mallinfo():
>> total space in arena: 2655 KB
>> Ordinary blocks: 2569 KB 179 blks
>> Small blocks: 12 KB 1300 blks
>> Holding blocks: 0 KB 13 blks
>> Free Small blocks: 184 KB
>> Free Ordinary blocks: -111 KB
>> Total in use: 2582 KB 97%
>> Total free: 73 KB 3%
>>97/11/19 16:34:11| Squid Cache (Version 1.NOVM.18): Exiting normally.
>>What does the line "Free Ordinary blocks: -111 KB" mean? Maybe to less
>>memory (i'm using 64MB)?
>It happens to us as well. I think DEC's mallinfo() is simply broken.
>Duane W.

I'm not shure.
We're using DEC UNIX 3.2C, compiler is gcc
After reading this mail, I used cachmgr to check my squid and found all
memory fields 0. I remembered I've seen this output wiht normal values some
times back. In the meantime, I had installed gnu's libmalloc.a and some new
versions of squid, now I'm using 1.1.18.
So I removed libmalloc.a, reconfigured/rebuild 1.1.18 and look what pretty

Resource usage for squid:
        CPU Time: 0 seconds (0 user 0 sys)
        CPU Usage: 0%
        Maximum Resident Size: 3336 KB
        Page faults with physical i/o: 0
Memory usage for squid via mallinfo():
        Total space in arena: 3222 KB
        Ordinary blocks: 2705 KB 1553 blks
        Small blocks: 181 KB 2900 blks
        Holding blocks: 0 KB 29 blks
        Free Small blocks: 125 KB
        Free Ordinary blocks: 210 KB
        Total in use: 2886 KB 90%
        Total free: 335 KB 10%


| Krackowizer Christian |
| TECHNODAT Phone: ++43-(0)662-454944-0 |
| CAD/CAM - Systeme fuer Moebel GmbH FAX: ++43-(0)662-454944-9 |
| Jakob-Haringer-Strasse 6 |
| A-5020 Salzburg / Austria |
Received on Wed Nov 19 1997 - 23:59:46 MST

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