RE: Netscape like hostname shortcut patch

From: Aleksandr Huson <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 21 Nov 1997 09:50:09 +1000

This has been something I have been thinking about for a while... Its a great suggestion for a company intranet based environment. But running an ISP some other difficulties come up, and this has been apparent in questions from some of our customers... what happens if you make it easy for your clients by enabling them to just type 'CNN'... this part is fine (and welcomed by myself)... but if they are new users... who get used to this way of life... what happens when they move to another ISP without this support.
I shudder to think of the support lines at that ISP.. "Why doesn't my site come up!!!", as I know what it can be like..... I know this may not be the best place to post this... but since this was mentioned.. and since squid seems to be a revolutionary web changing thing... I thought I would throw a few cents into the pond and see if a few words of wisdom came my way.

        In a sort of non direct way it seems to have bearing on the whole ICP thing... does anyone else hold views on the making/breaking of standards?

        regards (and thanks for listening to my curious mind)

| Aleksandr Huson <> |
| Technical Manager Voice: +61 7 3285 3299 |
| Web Express Internet Fax: +61 7 3285 7433 |
| |
| PO Box 127, Petrie, QLD, 4502, Australia |

-----Original Message-----
From: John Taylor []
Sent: Friday, 21 November 1997 4:33
Subject: Netscape like hostname shortcut patch

Hi, I have patched squid 1.1.18 to allow browers to use only the company
name for the url, similar to the way netscape navigatior does. For example,
if I type in "cnn" (from navigator), it will get converted to
If I type "javasoft/beans", it will get converted to
Received on Thu Nov 20 1997 - 15:57:43 MST

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