Re: Help installing squid

From: Bill Wichers <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 00:00:13 -0500 (EST)

Assuming you run squid with cache_effective_user set to squid, do this:

`chown squid logs/access.log`
`chown squid logs/cache.log`
`chown squid logs/store.log`

and then `chmod u+rw logs/*` to give squid read/write access to all the
log files. You might need to `chown -R` and `chmod -R` the cache_swap
directory as well. Basically you need to make sure that squid has
read/write access to all of its log files, all the entries in the
cache_swap directory, and the squid.out and files too (squid can
run without access to the squid.out and, but if you make sure
those work it will help any debugging you may need to do in the future).


On Thu, 8 Jan 1998, Dali Ahmad wrote:

> Dear All,
> I got a problem installing squid, could someone out there help me to
> fix this problem. I am running FreeBSD 2.2.5
> Even if I run it as a root I got the same error.
> Dali
> here are the error:
> WARNING: Cannot write log file: /usr/local/squid/logs/cache.log
> /usr/local/squid/logs/cache.log: Permission denied
> messages will be sent to 'stderr'.
> 98/01/08 08:38:16| WARNING: fdstat_update: re-opening Biggest_FD?
> 98/01/08 08:38:16| Starting Squid Cache version 1.1.19 for
> i386-unknown-freebsd
> 2.2.5...
> 98/01/08 08:38:16| With 360 file descriptors available
> 98/01/08 08:38:16| Performing DNS Tests...
> 98/01/08 08:38:16| Successful DNS name lookup tests...
> 98/01/08 08:38:16| Started 5 'dnsserver' processes
> 98/01/08 08:38:16| Unlinkd pipe opened on FD 11
> 98/01/08 08:38:16| file_open: error opening file
> /usr/local/squid/logs/access.l
> og: (13) Permission denied
> 98/01/08 08:38:16| /usr/local/squid/logs/access.log: (13) Permission
> denied
> FATAL: Cannot open logfile.
> Squid Cache (Version 1.1.19): Terminated abnormally.
> CPU Usage: user 0 sys 0
> Maximum Resident Size: 880 KB
> Page faults with physical i/o: 0
> -------------------------------------------
> Dali Ahmad
> Volcanological Survey of Indonesia
> Jalan Diponegoro 57 Bandung 40122
> Tel. +62 22 774 706
> Fax. +62 22 702 761
> E-mail
> ------------------------------------------
Received on Wed Jan 07 1998 - 21:03:07 MST

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