Running Squid as an accelerator for multiple web servers located on very slow links

From: Scott Henderson <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 17:06:39 -0900

I am trying to configure Squid to run as an accelerator for multiple web
servers that are located on very slow links in areas where the links will
never be faster.

I had thought this seems fairly straight forward but after reading and
trying I am coming up short.

I have made the following changes to the basic confide file:

http_port 80

redirect_program /usr/local/squid/bin/redirect.perl

httpd_accel virtual 80

I then created the Perl Script as follows:

while (<>) {

This was straight from the release notes and the on-line docs.

What I get when I try to start the server is: (from cache.log)

98/01/09 17:31:43| Starting Squid Cache version 1.1.19 for
98/01/09 17:31:43| With 256 file descriptors available
98/01/09 17:31:43| Performing DNS Tests...
98/01/09 17:31:43| Successful DNS name lookup tests...
"cache.log" 331 lines, 18945 characters
98/01/11 09:59:56| store_swap_size = 0k
98/01/11 09:59:56| FD 9: Connection from Redirector #1 is closed, disabling
98/01/11 09:59:56| FD 10: Connection from Redirector #2 is closed,
98/01/11 09:59:56| FD 11: Connection from Redirector #3 is closed,
98/01/11 09:59:56| FD 12: Connection from Redirector #4 is closed,
98/01/11 09:59:56| FD 13: Connection from Redirector #5 is closed,
FATAL: All redirectors have exited!
Squid Cache (Version 1.1.19): Terminated abnormally.
CPU Usage: user 0 sys 0
Maximum Resident Size: 0 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 152
Memory usage for squid via mallinfo():
        total space in arena: 370 KB
        Ordinary blocks: 337 KB 6 blks
        Small blocks: 0 KB 0 blks
        Holding blocks: 0 KB 0 blks
        Free Small blocks: 0 KB
        Free Ordinary blocks: 33 KB
        Total in use: 337 KB 91%
        Total free: 33 KB 9%
98/01/11 09:59:56| storeWriteCleanLog: Starting...
98/01/11 09:59:56| Finished. Wrote 0 lines.
98/01/11 09:59:56| Took 0 seconds ( 0.0 lines/sec).

I think I have missed something fundamental in the configuration but I
can't seem to figure out what.

Any assist would be appreciated.

Received on Sat Jan 10 1998 - 18:15:30 MST

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