Excess Data?

From: Chris Keladis <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 1998 08:45:39 +1100

Hi folks,

Have been doing some comparing again to our NT and Linux proxy servers.

It seems to me the Linux squid server seems to transfer *more* data than our
NT boxes do, to get the same page.. The transfer rate is better under Linux,
but where does all this additional traffic come from getting a page from a
Squid as compared to NT? As it makes the page _seem_ to load slower, when in
reality the transfer rate is fairly good.

We use Squid 1.1.14 under Linux 2.0.7(i know it's old, i am about to install
a Squid on 2.0.32 and try it) with a fairly generic Squid.conf

Would anyone have any ideas on things i can try to reduce the amount of
traffic retreiving a web page using Squid?


Received on Wed Jan 14 1998 - 13:54:42 MST

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