Squid: Accelerator: Caching objects from virtual hosts?

From: TBRIGLIA.US.ORACLE.COM <[email protected]>
Date: 16 Jan 98 09:26:08 -0800

Squid Users,
I have noticed that when I use Squid as an HTTP accelerator, when accessing
sites that are "virtual", performance is quite slow.
I looked into the objects in the cache, and saw that the objects retrieved
from virtual hosts, do not get cached. This makes sense on the slowness, for
each time then Squid has to retrieve the object from the http server.
Everything is configured correctly in the conf file, for Squid does serve
my virtual sites, yet the only objects that get cached are those from the
actual site defined with the "httpd_accel" directive. My conf file has the
httpd_accel www-syseng.us.oracle.com 81
httpd_accel virtual 81
Does anyone know if there is anyway to cache the objects from virtual hosts?
Also if anyone does have an interest, I have successfully written a whole
Load Balancing application that uses Squid as the underlying HTTP transport
layer for the Load Balancing. I am hoping to place the whole application in
the public domain soon, assuming Oracle Legal OKs that. If anyone has an
immediate interest, please let me know and I can outline the approach I

Thomas D. Briglia voice:415-506-8212 pager:1-800-6-PAGEME
Internal Systems Engineering Services
Oracle World Wide Customer Support Viva BSD!!!
Received on Fri Jan 16 1998 - 09:33:19 MST

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