Re: squid 1.1.20 receives non-existant SIGHUP on FreeBSD 2.2.2R

From: Jaye Mathisen <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 13:53:01 -0800 (PST)

I've run squids 1.16, 1.18->1.20 under a variety of versions of FreeBSD,
with loads of about 30-40k URL's/hour, and it works just fine.

You sure you don't have a cron job for log rotation, or something else
restarting that thing?

On Tue, 20 Jan 1998, Adam W. Dace wrote:

> I'm not exactly sure why this is happening, but it just happened while
> our IS team was out to lunch. So either someone's hacked us -just- to
> play with squid(doubtful), or squid is somehow receiving signals that it
> shouldn't be.
> This from squid_cache.log:
> 1998/01/20 13:56:24| reconfigure: SIGHUP received
> 1998/01/20 13:56:24| Waiting 30 seconds for active connections to finish
> 1998/01/20 13:56:24| FD 21 Closing HTTP connection
> The real reason I'm writing is for a suggested version to run. Anyone
> know of a version past 1.1.10 which runs stably on FreeBSD 2.2.2R? I've
> already talked to a fellow FBSD user, and he suggests 1.1.10, which I'll
> be downgrading to tonight. Our squid proxy handles roughly 20 people,
> and I've grown tired of hearing users yell when it goes down
> approximately once a day.
> I also wanted to thank the squid authors for a wonderful product, we use
> it every day, and now that it has enough memory to effectively run
> happily, it's quite speedy as well.
> Have a good one, and thanks,
> --
> Adam W. Dace (AD332) | E-Mail:
> Software Programmer | Office URL:
> FastParts, Inc. | Personal URL:
Received on Tue Jan 20 1998 - 14:00:05 MST

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