Squid and caching DNS server

From: Chris Owen <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 00:25:37 -0600 (CST)

I know that Squid caches DNS resolutions. Since it does is there any
advantage to running bind as a caching server on the squid machine (or
even another external machine)?


Chris Owen             ~  Lottery: A tax on stupid people
PO Box 1985            ~  owenc@gcnet.com
Garden City, KS 67846  ~  http://www.gardencity.net/~owenc/
Voice: (316) 275-1900  ~  ftp://ftp.gardencity.net/pub/owenc/
Fax:   (316) 275-0313  ~  88 FA CF C6 65 23 63 C1  6E 80 AE 0B 51 C0 22 36
Received on Tue Jan 27 1998 - 22:41:06 MST

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