Re: Redirecting from Cisco

From: Brian <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 6 Feb 1998 21:34:37 -0600 (CST)

On Sat, 7 Feb 1998, Lincoln Dale wrote:

> >int e0
> >ip policy route-map proxy-redirect
> >
> >IOS 11.1(6)
> >
> >I configured my netscape to use no proxies, and when I request a web page,
> >i get nothing. does anyone know what could commonly be the matter?
> i assume ethernet0 isn't the interface to your uplink ISP? you need
> to put the policy-route statement on the *outgoing* interface, where
> packets are destined, prior to being policy-routed to their correct
> destination.


ok here is how its looking:

shrevenet-gw#show route-map
route-map proxy-redirect, permit, sequence 10
  Match clauses:
    ip address (access-lists): 110
  Set clauses:
    ip next-hop
  Policy routing matches: 164391 packets, 204821181 bytes

shrevenet-gw#show access-list
Extended IP access list 110
    deny tcp host any eq www
    permit tcp any any eq www (30456 matches)

And here is part of my config:

interface Ethernet0
 description To Office Ethernet
 ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
interface Serial0
 description To UUNET
 no ip address
 encapsulation frame-relay IETF
 bandwidth 1536
 frame-relay lmi-type ansi
interface Serial0.1 point-to-point
 ip unnumbered Ethernet0
 ip policy route-map proxy-redirect
 bandwidth 1536
 frame-relay interface-dlci 500 IETF
interface Serial1
 no ip address
router rip
 version 2
 timers basic 30 30 2 60 300
ip domain-name ALTER.NET
ip name-server
ip classless
ip route Serial0.1

The squid is on, yet I am not seeing anything hit the squid,
I do a "netstat" and shows no one hitting it, and also I "tail -f" the
access log and see nothing.


> cheers,
> lincoln.

/-------------------------- -----------------------------\
| Brian Feeny | USR TC Hubs | ShreveNet Inc. (318)222-2638 |
| Network Administrator | Perl, Linux | Web hosting, online stores, |
| ShreveNet Inc. | USR Pilot | Dial-Up 14.4-56k, ISDN & LANs |
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Received on Fri Feb 06 1998 - 19:35:53 MST

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