address field in ICP

From: Hiroyuki Inoue <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 10 Feb 1998 01:51:13 +0900


When I was modifying ICP packet on squid, I noticed the field "shostid"
of ICP packet is in wrong byte order with little endian host.
This field should be represented in network byte order.

In icp.c of squid-1.1.20, "shostid" field is converted with
htonl() or ntohl() functions.
It is not necessary to convert it, isn't it ?
Because the address structure "struct in_addr" in the memory is always
represented in network byte order on any host.
In current squid implementaion it is not used, but I am worried...

			NARA Institute of Science and Technology
			       Department of Information Science

Received on Mon Feb 09 1998 - 08:52:48 MST

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