Re: graphing statistics

From: Dax Kelson <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 9 Feb 1998 12:18:14 -0700

I applied this patch:

< $THC += $v if ($k eq 'TCP_HIT');

>               $THC += $v if ($k =~ /^TCP[\w]+HIT$/);
<               $THS += $v if ($k eq 'TCP_HIT');
>               $THS += $v if ($k =~ /^TCP[\w]+HIT$/);
<               $THC += $v if ($k eq 'TCP_HIT');
>               $THC += $v if ($k =~ /^TCP[\w]+HIT$/);
Can anyone confirm that this is the "right thing" to do?
Dax Kelson
Internet Connect, Inc.
-----Original Message-----
From: Markus Volk <>
To: Brian <>
Cc: Squid Users Mailing List <>
Date: Monday, February 09, 1998 2:06 AM
Subject: Re: graphing statistics
>There is a nice utility written in Perl from Iain Lea, have a look at
>PGP key fingerprint: 2D B3 03 E7 16 FE 15 3F  AD 6D AC 85 5E F1 F0 DE
>On Sun, 8 Feb 1998, Brian wrote:
>> Are there any programs out there designed for the squid to give nice
>> graphs of cache utilization and other things?  I know you could do it
>> mrtg......i was wondering if a package existed specifically for the
Received on Mon Feb 09 1998 - 11:31:58 MST

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