Re: Cisco redirection working

From: Brian <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 10 Feb 1998 07:51:07 -0600 (CST)

> Can we setup a fall-back server using above 2 statement? or can we
> auto-disable the route-map if the proxy server goes down?

That would be very cool if we could auto-disable it if the proxy goes


> --
> aet
> "Nobody will ever need more than 640k RAM!"
> -- Bill Gates, 1981
> "Windows 95 needs at least 8 MB RAM."
> -- Bill Gates, 1996
> "Nobody will ever need Windows 95."
> -- logical conclusion

/-------------------------- -----------------------------\
| Brian Feeny | USR TC Hubs | ShreveNet Inc. (318)222-2638 |
| Network Administrator | Perl, Linux | Web hosting, online stores, |
| ShreveNet Inc. | USR Pilot | Dial-Up 14.4-56k, ISDN & LANs |
| 89 CRX DX w/MPFI, lots of |-=*:Quake:*=-| |
| mods/Homepage coming soon |LordSignal/SN| Quake server: |
\-------------------------- 318-222-2638 x109 -----------------------------/
Received on Tue Feb 10 1998 - 05:55:45 MST

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