RE: Automatic Cache Monitoring

From: Chris Keladis <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 11:15:59 +1100

Hi Richard,

I'm not much of a Perl expert but when i was mucking about with it, i did
notice there is a TelnetPM library which has most of the code to perform a
telnet from a Perl script (This is available from the CPAN archive i
beleive), and then you can script it to do whatever based on the results of
the telnet.

Maybe someone with more perl coding experience than me could write a script
to centrally telnet to port 80 and when the connection fails to mail the
admins, or even beep a pager.

Optionally, you can use some unix utils like awk, grep, etc, to "grep" for a
certain reply from the Squid, which would be (almost) bullet proof
monitoring of the proxies.

Regards, Chris.

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 1998 11:13 PM
Subject: Automatic Cache Monitoring


I'm looking for suggestions on the subject of "testing" Squid for general
aliveness. I maintain several Squid boxes; I already use "echoping" from a
central location to check that the boxes are alive periodically. However
Squid occasionally fails but the machine continues to run; hence echoping
reports all is well but the service is no longer available.

Does anybody centrally monitor their Squid boxes for signs of life (or
signs of death)? Is there a product or hack out there that will enable me
to poke Squid and get an "I'm still here" response? Ideally I'd like to
approach this by just telnetting to a port and receiving a status report

Much thanks

Richard Stagg
Received on Wed Feb 11 1998 - 16:34:16 MST

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