Web Caching Tutorial - APRICOT

From: Barry Raveendran Greene <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 1998 03:35:43 +0800


There will be a tutorial on WWW Caching during APRICOT (next week on the 17th
of Feb). Anyone in the Philippines who's interested, please check the details
at http://www.apricot.net.

[Course Description]

WWW Caching and Web Server Techniques

Instructor: Stewart Forster

This tutorial will focus on the 'care and feeding' of proxy web caches with a
strong focus on the publicly available Squid proxy cache software. The
tutorial will be of a fairly technical content and is recommended for those
will may be ACTIVELY involved in maintaining such software. Issues taught
will be an introduction to caching, the squid cache software, it's features
and functionality. Further issues will be rightsizing hardware for intended
load, optimizing of parameters, problems that can arise, security, remote
maintenance and statistics gathering & reporting, and finally future trends
in caching. A case study of the caching implementing at Connect will also be

Stewart Forster. Stew has worked with a number of well known Australian
Organizations. First as a student programmer for the CSIRO Division of
Information Technology. Then came a 5 year stint at the University of
Melbourne where he became involved in all manner of systems programming
duties, finally leaving for Connect.com.au, one of Australia's leading ISPs.
There his skills were applied to various projects, the application of some of
which lead Connect to pioneer the first usage based charging system for
Australia, and improving the performance of the cache systems at Connect to
an astounding level, allowing Connect to remain extremely competitive in a
fierce marketplace. Stew's programming skills and commercial experience with
the Internet make him one of the leading IT professionals in Australia.

Barry Raveendran Greene                    |       ||        ||        |
Senior Consultant                          |       ||        ||        |
Corporate Consulting Engineering           |      ||||      ||||       |
tel: +65 738-5535 ext 235                  |  ..:||||||:..:||||||:..   |
e-mail: bgreene@cisco.com                  |  c i s c o S y s t e m s  |
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Received on Thu Feb 12 1998 - 15:33:36 MST

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