Re: transparent cisco FAQ?

From: Brian <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 14 Feb 1998 00:57:34 -0600 (CST)

On Fri, 13 Feb 1998, Duane Wessels wrote:

> There has been a lot of talk about getting a cisco to direct
> port 80 packets to a squid box. Is there anyone who has made
> this work who would be willing to write an FAQ style entry
> for us?
> Duane W.

With the help of Hendrick and many other on here, I was able to get this
to work, there are others on here who have also. Basically the
information is in the FAQ already its just very unclear to people who have
never done anything like that before.


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| Brian Feeny | USR TC Hubs | ShreveNet Inc. (318)222-2638 |
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Received on Fri Feb 13 1998 - 23:02:13 MST

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