Solaris 2.6: many Ierrs ...

From: Jens Elkner <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 06:34:25 +0100 (MET)


Since some ppl already run Squid on Solaris 2.6, this might be
a valuable Information for them:
Last week we discovered a lot of Ierrs on our Solaris 2.6
Workstations (try 'netstat -i' ) but not on the 2.5.1 workstations.
Since even an almost idle Ultra had have Input error rates up to 98%
(imagine, it says: I'm dropping 98% of all incoming pakets), I called
Sun and they said, yepp the NIC drivers are a little bit buggy.
Patches are already available but are NOT included in the recommended
2.6 patch cluster, up to now! So you might call Sun and order the
following patches if you encounter the same problems on Solaris 2.6:

105742-01 le driver patch
105795-01 hme driver patch

Have fun,

+---[ Jens Elkner ]------[ IVS, Otto-von-Guericke-Universitaet Magdeburg ]-+
| Am Uniplatz 5                                                            |
| WH 4   PF 310                    |
| 39106 Magdeburg   GERMANY   |
Received on Tue Feb 24 1998 - 21:43:58 MST

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