Re: unexpected bytes.

From: Dancer <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 04 Mar 1998 00:33:46 +1000

It means that you have a client who is using MSIE, which is trying to do persistant HTTP connections the wrong way.


Benarson Behajaina wrote:

> Hi squid users,
> I'm running squid 1.1.20, and my cache.log is full of the "unexpected bytes"
> error messages.
> What does it mean ? Of course, someone (client) who is connecting to
> my proxy uses an unknown software.
> 1998/03/03 15:01:40| icpDetectClientClose: FD 21, 255 unexpected bytes
> 1998/03/03 15:01:40| --> from:
> 1998/03/03 15:01:40| --> data: GET%20/posttop.jpg%20HTTP/1.1%0d%0aAccept:%20*/*%0d%0aReferer:%20http://,sk;q=0.5%0d%0aAccept-Encoding:%20gzip,%20deflate%0d%0aIf-Modified-Since:%20Tue,%2017%20Feb%201998%2002:50:16%20GMT%0d%0aIf-None-Match:%20%223384b-18bc-34e8fae8%22%0d%0aUser-Agen
> 1998/03/03 15:01:40| icpDetectClientClose: FD 21, 101 unexpected bytes
> Thanx.
> Benarson.

Did you read the documentation AND the FAQ?
If not, I'll probably still answer your question, but my patience will
be limited, and you take the risk of sarcasm and ridicule.
Received on Tue Mar 03 1998 - 06:41:50 MST

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