Re: x-cache: hit ??

From: Duane Wessels <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 09:54:19 -0700

Byron Jones writes:

>we're running squid 1.1.20 on a linux box. frequently when a page is
>requested, it will start half way through the page, with the phrase
>"X-Cache: HIT" near the top of the page. hitting reload will normally fix
>the problem.

You must have a parent or sibling cache running 1.2.beta?

Also I'm guessing that these news pages may not have proper HTTP
reply headers, so the 'X-Cache' shows up in the wrong spot.

Duane W.
Received on Tue Mar 10 1998 - 08:55:06 MST

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