Squirm - a squid redirector

From: Chris Foote <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 1998 22:15:27 +1030 (CST)

I recently wrote a configurable redirector for squid that's called
Squirm :-)

It needs some testing, so it would be good to get some feedback.

It can be downloaded from the Squirm homepage at:


Here's a list of some of it's features:

- Very fast
- Virtually no memory usage
- It can re-read it's config files while running by sending it a HUP signal
- Interactive test mode for checking new configs
- Full regular expression matching and replacement
- Config files for patterns and IP addresses.
- If you mess up the config file, Squirm runs in Dodo Mode so your
  squid keeps working :-)


Chris Foote SE Net
Technical Manager 222 Grote Street
SE Network Access Adelaide SA 5000
e-mail chris@senet.com.au Australia
phone : (08) 8221 5221 PGP Public Key available from
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support: (08) 8221 5792
Received on Fri Mar 13 1998 - 03:51:47 MST

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