I�m beginning to test 1.2beta16 on a Linux 2.0.33 (SuSE 5.1) box - until
now it ran a 1.1.20 without problems. It crashes with the following in
1998/03/11 19:37:18| Starting Squid Cache version 1.2.beta16 for
1998/03/11 19:37:18| Process ID 5470
1998/03/11 19:37:18| With 256 file descriptors available
1998/03/11 19:37:18| Memory pools are 'on'; limit: 2048.00 MB
1998/03/11 19:37:18| Performing DNS Tests...
1998/03/11 19:37:18| Successful DNS name lookup tests...
1998/03/11 19:37:18| Started 5 'dnsserver' processes
1998/03/11 19:37:18| Unlinkd pipe opened on FD 13
1998/03/11 19:37:18| Swap maxSize 102400 KB, estimated 7876 objects
1998/03/11 19:37:18| Target number of buckets: 157
1998/03/11 19:37:18| Using 8192 Store buckets, replacement runs every 10
1998/03/11 19:37:18| Max Mem size: 8192 KB
1998/03/11 19:37:18| Max Swap size: 102400 KB
1998/03/11 19:37:18| Rebuilding storage in Cache Dir #0 (DIRTY)
1998/03/11 19:37:18| Loaded Icons.
1998/03/11 19:37:18| Accepting HTTP connections on port 3128, FD 34.
1998/03/11 19:37:18| Accepting ICP messages on port 3130, FD 35.
1998/03/11 19:37:18| Ready to serve requests.
1998/03/11 19:37:18| storeRebuildFromDirectory: DIR #0 done!
1998/03/11 19:37:23| Finished rebuilding storage disk.
1998/03/11 19:37:23| 0 Entries read from previous logfile.
1998/03/11 19:37:23| 0 Entries scanned from swap files.
1998/03/11 19:37:23| 0 Invalid entries.
1998/03/11 19:37:23| 0 With invalid flags.
1998/03/11 19:37:23| 0 Objects loaded.
1998/03/11 19:37:23| 0 Objects expired.
1998/03/11 19:37:23| 0 Objects cancelled.
1998/03/11 19:37:23| 0 Duplicate URLs purged.
1998/03/11 19:37:23| 0 Swapfile clashes avoided.
1998/03/11 19:37:23| Took 5 seconds ( 0.0 objects/sec).
1998/03/11 19:37:23| Beginning Validation Procedure
1998/03/11 19:37:23| Configuring Parent
1998/03/11 19:37:24| Completed Validation Procedure
1998/03/11 19:37:24| Validated 0 Entries
1998/03/11 19:37:24| store_swap_size = 19k
1998/03/11 19:37:26| whoisConnectDone: FD 15, '!gAS3330'
1998/03/11 19:37:27| whoisConnectDone: FD 16, '!gAS766'
1998/03/11 19:37:27| whoisConnectDone: FD 17, '!gAS1930'
1998/03/11 19:37:27| whoisConnectDone: FD 18, '!gAS2611'
1998/03/11 19:37:27| whoisConnectDone: FD 19, '!gAS1103'
1998/03/11 19:37:27| whoisConnectDone: FD 20, '!gAS2603'
1998/03/11 19:37:29| whoisConnectDone: FD 22, '!gAS6683'
1998/03/11 19:37:30| whoisConnectDone: FD 21, '!gAS786'
1998/03/11 19:37:32| whoisConnectDone: FD 27, '!gAS1955'
1998/03/11 19:37:33| whoisConnectDone: FD 29, '!gAS6670'
(squid): store_client.c:130: storeClientCopy2: Assertion `++loopdetect <
10' failed.
(squid): store_client.c:130: storeClientCopy2: Assertion `++loopdetect <
10' failed.
(squid): store_client.c:130: storeClientCopy2: Assertion `++loopdetect <
10' failed.
(squid): store_client.c:130: storeClientCopy2: Assertion `++loopdetect <
10' failed.
(squid): store_client.c:130: storeClientCopy2: Assertion `++loopdetect <
10' failed.
(squid): store_client.c:130: storeClientCopy2: Assertion `++loopdetect <
10' failed.
(squid): store_client.c:130: storeClientCopy2: Assertion `++loopdetect <
10' failed.
(squid): store_client.c:130: storeClientCopy2: Assertion `++loopdetect <
10' failed.
. (a bunch of these!)
FATAL: xcalloc: Unable to allocate 32768 blocks of 4 bytes!
Squid Cache (Version 1.2.beta16): Terminated abnormally.
CPU Usage: 0.150 seconds
Maximum Resident Size: 0 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 216
Any ideas would be very much appreciated,
-- Alvaro Jos� Fdez. Lago email: alago@unicies.cesga.es Sys. Adm. Complexo Hospitalario Xeral-C�es, VIGO (Spain)Received on Tue Mar 17 1998 - 09:46:51 MST
This archive was generated by hypermail pre-2.1.9 : Tue Dec 09 2003 - 16:39:24 MST