Re: Dealing with SPAM

From: Alfonso Correas <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 01 Apr 1998 10:52:41 +0200

Duane Wessels escribi�:

> >Duane, could this list be made postings-only-by-members please?
> It could be. I think we would end up cutting out
> more legitimate messages than SPAM, but if enough
> people want squid-users to operate that way I'll set it up.

Yes, but we gain more control about the people who posts, we can
designate one, present in the list who receives the mails of these and
makes forward of the message to the list. If this idea seems OK to the
people, I offer one of my mailboxes to do this
> Note, my spam policy is to add offending sites/relays to our
> TCP wrappers deny file. It doesn't stop all SPAM, but it does
> prevent repeats from the same source.

The problem aren't of the providers, if one spammer is discovered, and
his account is closed, the spammer changes of provider and starts one
time again.

	Alfonso Correas
	Comm Networks
Received on Wed Apr 01 1998 - 02:06:51 MST

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