Re: Squid Upgrade

From: Dancer <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 11 Apr 1998 18:19:41 +1000

Fraser Campbell wrote:
> This is good. If correct I have nothing to worry about. The absolute
> maximum number of users we have at once is 60. We should be fine. The
> odds of every single user accessing squid at once are 1 in a million -
> right ;-) Will have to look at increasing file descriptors down the road
> though probably.

You can reasonably expect each user to use an average of 4 connections
simultaneously, when they're fetching documents with inline images. What
does that do for your math?

We used to hit the 256 file-descriptor wall with 40 users. Frequently.

Received on Sat Apr 11 1998 - 01:28:20 MDT

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