Advice on a HUGE configuration: !!!+800 Hits/sec!!!.

From: Alfonso Correas <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 17:02:32 +0200

Hi squidders,

We need some kind of advice, because a customer has requested us a big
behemoth of Squid configuration. They requested a configuration capable
of handling +800Hits/second on peak times.

This is the hw, that we think right.

        Pentium II 400Mhz.
        Intel 440BX motherboard.
        512Mb SDRAM.
        DPT PM2144UW in RAID-5.
        Quantum Atlas II 9.1Gb UW (5+1) in RAID cabinet.
        DEC 21140 PCI 100Base-T LAN card (2).

        OS: Linux/FreeBSD�?

We are experimenting with a dual LAN card to handle the incoming
requests via one interface and forward the requests via other interface,
to alleviate the interface congestion.

Can be possible to disable logging to alleviate the overhead rather than
writing in other disk? What about performance tricks ala' NNTP servers?

	Alfonso Correas
	Comm Networks
Received on Fri Apr 24 1998 - 08:44:17 MDT

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