ACL Time-Access

From: Tim Brody <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 21:20:45 +0100

Does anybody have a (simple) instructions on using the times. I've read the squid.conf, written the acl and it still doesn't work. It looks so simple I don't see what I can be doing wrong, assistance is much appreciated!


PS Reg. previous message on caching with a firewall/parent ... I think squid is caching ... BUT ... it seems to want to check with the parent before doling out the files (!?) ... I've increased the timeout percentage (age of document/expiry age), or rather reduced it to 0%! I now seem to be experiencing problems with dns resoloving not getting timed out quickly - *sigh* !!!
Received on Mon Apr 27 1998 - 13:21:16 MDT

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