Re: Squid byte-count reporting...

From: Dancer <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 01:26:47 +1000

This would seem to be consistant with squid's logging methodology, ie:
An item is only logged at the completion of the transaction with the

If we're just talking generic byte-counters, then (IMO) it's not too
hard to increment them at the point that they are written to the


Michael Pelletier wrote:
> It appears that Squid only increments its byte count when the object has
> finished transferring. This is noticable when graphing the bytes using
> MRTG when large objects are transferred.
> For instance, if you compare my graphs from yesterday at around
> 5:00-6:00pm at <>, for the Internet
> Leased-Line traffic and the Squid Cache Bytes-per-minute, you see a tall
> spike in the Squid graph at about 6:00pm, but you see a good amount of
> ongoing inbound traffic from 5:00 to 6:00 on the leased-line graph.
> What this says to me is that someone spent an hour downloading a very
> large file, but Squid only reflected it in its byte counts at the end of
> the hour at which time it was picked up by MRTG as a sudden spurt of data.
> Is this really the case? How hard would it be to have Squid update its
> counts on an ongoing basis if it is the case?
> -Mike Pelletier.
> --
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Received on Tue Apr 28 1998 - 08:37:37 MDT

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