Please advice on this?
While upgrading our proxy server from Squid 1.1.8 (on Solaris 2.4) to
1.1.20 (on Solaris 2.6) I get lots of "POST" strings like:
access.log:893834450.818 2974 sv4 TCP_MISS/000 0 POST http://..... -
PASSTHROUGH_PARENT/proxy.ictp.trieste.it -
I had to comment the line "passtrhough_proxy" line in the new
configuration for Squid 1.1.20 though it was working fine for the
previous Squid 1.1.8.
E. Canessa, Ph.D The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical
Physics - ICTP; P.O.Box 586 - 34100 Trieste, Italy
Phone: (+39) 040 2240358 FAX: (+39) 040 224163
PGP Public Key at: www.ictp.trieste.it/~canessae
Fingerprint: C0 6E 11 A6 A9 F5 5A DB 85 D1 F6 0F B4 64 86 94
KeyID: 8CF3A569
--Received on Wed Apr 29 1998 - 05:30:22 MDT
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