Re: 1.2beta21+patches Invalid Request

From: Jens Elkner <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 2 Jun 1998 03:09:45 +0200 (MET DST)

'David J N Begley wrote:'
> On Sat, 30 May 1998, Mark White wrote:
> > At 02:40 PM 5/30/98 +1000, David J N Begley wrote:
> > >The quick solution is for Telstra to "fix" their HTML by removing the line
> > >break in the URL completely (ie., remove both CR and NL); longer-term,
> > >though we should try and get this parsing bug in Netscape fixed.
> > Or use something like Squirm or Jesred to rewrite the URL to any empty
> > banner page.
> I wish it were that simple. :-( Sure, some sites can afford to just
> strip out banner ads completely, others can't - for whatever reason.
> Does Jesred support Class B networks? Last time I looked Squirm didn't.

Well - Jesred supports CIDR and thus it supports Class B networks as well.
So you could use e.g. the following entry in your redirector.acl file:

16 says: the 16 leftmost contiguous significant bits of
denote your IP address prefix - Jesred will apply the redirect rules
to all IP addresses, which contain the specified prefix (i.e. which start
with 137.154.) ...

You can achieve the same for a class B network with squirm, but u have to
generate a list with all class B subnets you use - i.e.

The draw back in squirm is, that in worst case it has to lookup 256 entries
for a passed URL instead of 1 using ...

Have fun,

PS: Some more info about CIDR: e.g. RFC1517-1520,1817

+---[ Jens Elkner ]------[ IVS, Otto-von-Guericke-Universitaet Magdeburg ]-+
| Am Uniplatz 5                                                            |
| WH 4   PF 310                    |
| 39106 Magdeburg   GERMANY   |
Received on Mon Jun 01 1998 - 18:11:09 MDT

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