disabling TIMEOUT_FIRST_PARENT_MISS functionality

From: Chris Tilbury <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 2 Jun 1998 13:26:51 +0100

Just a quicky. Is anyone aware of whether it's possible to not use a parent
cache to retrieve an object if no response is heard from them (ie, such that
you'd never have a "TIMEOUT_FIRST_PARENT_MISS" entry in the access.log).
This is in a situation where the ICMP stuff isn't being used, too, so
relying on CLOSEST_PARENT_MISS isn't an option.

Anyone needed to create this functionality? Any patches, perhaps? I'd like
get squid working on the basis that if no response is heard from a parent
cache, then none of the parent caches are going to be in a state to handle a
fetch ...

If no-one has, then I'll start to hack at the source, but I just wanted to
check first ...



Chris Tilbury, UNIX Systems Administrator, IT Services, University of Warwick
EMAIL: cudch+s@csv.warwick.ac.uk PHONE: +44 1203 523365(V)/+44 1203 523267(F)
                            URL: http://www.warwick.ac.uk/staff/Chris.Tilbury
Received on Tue Jun 02 1998 - 05:28:41 MDT

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