HELP - Cannot Post through 1.2.beta.20

From: Walter Klomp <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 3 Jun 1998 16:35:35 +0800

Hi Guys,

Here's my output in cache.log if I try to post a large form...

I posted questions regarding this before, but have had no solutions yet,
only mail from people who have the same problems encountered.

Duane, any idea what's wrong ?

By the way, It's not consistent... If I post exactly the same form with same
information 3 minutes later, it goes through ... with no error-message
whatsoever... This troubles me ...


1998/06/03 16:24:47| cbdataLock: 0xae61678
1998/06/03 16:24:47| pumpClose: 0xae61678 Server FD 55, Client FD 47
1998/06/03 16:24:47| comm_remove_close_handler: FD 55, handler=0x8079528,
1998/06/03 16:24:47| cbdataUnlock: 0xae61678
1998/06/03 16:24:47| storeUnregister: called for
1998/06/03 16:24:47| storeUnregister: store_client for
<|Pump has a callback
1998/06/03 16:24:47| pumpServerCopy: called with size=-1
1998/06/03 16:24:47| pumpServerCopy: freeing and returning
1998/06/03 16:24:47| cbdataFree: 0xaf9c550
1998/06/03 16:24:47| cbdataReallyFree: Freeing 0xaf9c550
1998/06/03 16:24:47| storeAbort: 9592922D41F07DD2D2DBF4396CBA8512
1998/06/03 16:24:47| storeLockObject: key '9592922D41F07DD2D2DBF4396CBA8512'
1998/06/03 16:24:47| InvokeHandlers: 9592922D41F07DD2D2DBF4396CBA8512
1998/06/03 16:24:47| storeUnlockObject: key
'9592922D41F07DD2D2DBF4396CBA8512' c
1998/06/03 16:24:47| storeAbort: A12D1E2E4BD434C7D843A40AE3C238CC
1998/06/03 16:24:47| storeLockObject: key 'A12D1E2E4BD434C7D843A40AE3C238CC'
1998/06/03 16:24:47| httpAbort: <>
1998/06/03 16:24:47| comm_close: FD 55
1998/06/03 16:24:47| commCallCloseHandlers: FD 55
1998/06/03 16:24:47| commCallCloseHandlers: ch->handler=0x8064be8
1998/06/03 16:24:47| cbdataValid: 0xa9bf218
1998/06/03 16:24:47| storeUnlockObject: key
'A12D1E2E4BD434C7D843A40AE3C238CC' c
1998/06/03 16:24:47| cbdataFree: 0xa9bf218
1998/06/03 16:24:47| cbdataFree: 0xa9bf218 has 2 locks, not freeing
1998/06/03 16:24:47| cbdataUnlock: 0xa9bf218
1998/06/03 16:24:47| InvokeHandlers: A12D1E2E4BD434C7D843A40AE3C238CC
1998/06/03 16:24:47| InvokeHandlers: checking client #0
1998/06/03 16:24:47| storeClientCopy2: A12D1E2E4BD434C7D843A40AE3C238CC
1998/06/03 16:24:47| clientSendMoreData: <>, 0 bytes
1998/06/03 16:24:47| clientSendMoreData: FD 47 '
gi-bin/', out.offset=0
1998/06/03 16:24:47| clientWriteComplete: FD 47, sz 0, err 0, off 0, len 0
1998/06/03 16:24:47| comm_close: FD 47
1998/06/03 16:24:47| commCallCloseHandlers: FD 47
1998/06/03 16:24:47| commCallCloseHandlers: ch->handler=0x8079378
1998/06/03 16:24:47| cbdataValid: 0xae61678
1998/06/03 16:24:47| pumpFree: FD 47, releasing 0xae61678!
1998/06/03 16:24:47| storeUnregister: called for
1998/06/03 16:24:47| storeUnlockObject: key
'9592922D41F07DD2D2DBF4396CBA8512' c
1998/06/03 16:24:47| storePendingNClients: returning 0
1998/06/03 16:24:47| storeRelease: Releasing:
1998/06/03 16:24:47| commSetSelect: FD 27 type 2
1998/06/03 16:24:47| destroy_StoreEntry: destroying 0x88ef378
1998/06/03 16:24:47| ctx: enter level 0: '
1998/06/03 16:24:47| destroy_MemObject: destroying 0xaf02a08
1998/06/03 16:24:47| destroy_MemObjectData: destroying 0xa5be740, 0 bytes
1998/06/03 16:24:47| destroying rep: 0xaf9eec0
1998/06/03 16:24:47| cleaning hdr: 0xaf9eefc
1998/06/03 16:24:47| searching for next e in hdr 0xaf9eefc from -1
1998/06/03 16:24:47| no more entries in hdr 0xaf9eefc
1998/06/03 16:24:47| ctx: exit level 0
1998/06/03 16:24:47| storeUnlockObject: key
'A12D1E2E4BD434C7D843A40AE3C238CC' c
1998/06/03 16:24:47| cbdataFree: 0xae61678
1998/06/03 16:24:47| cbdataFree: 0xae61678 has 2 locks, not freeing
1998/06/03 16:24:47| cbdataUnlock: 0xae61678
1998/06/03 16:24:47| commCallCloseHandlers: ch->handler=0x8055bfc
1998/06/03 16:24:47| cbdataValid: 0xae6f2e8
1998/06/03 16:24:47| connStateFree: FD 47
1998/06/03 16:24:47| httpRequestFree:
1998/06/03 16:24:47| httpRequestFree: al.url='
1998/06/03 16:24:47| mime_get_header: looking for 'Proxy-authorization:'
1998/06/03 16:24:47| commSetSelect: FD 5 type 2
1998/06/03 16:24:47| storeUnregister: called for
1998/06/03 16:24:47| cbdataFree: 0xa838940
1998/06/03 16:24:47| cbdataReallyFree: Freeing 0xa838940
1998/06/03 16:24:47| storeUnlockObject: key
'A12D1E2E4BD434C7D843A40AE3C238CC' c
1998/06/03 16:24:47| cbdataFree: 0xb070798
1998/06/03 16:24:47| cbdataReallyFree: Freeing 0xb070798
1998/06/03 16:24:47| httpRequestFree: error:unsupported-request-method
1998/06/03 16:24:47| storeUnregister: called for
1998/06/03 16:24:47| storeCheckSwapOut: error:unsupported-request-method
1998/06/03 16:24:47| storeCheckSwapOut: store_status = STORE_OK
1998/06/03 16:24:47| storeCheckSwapOut: mem->inmem_lo = 0
1998/06/03 16:24:47| storeCheckSwapOut: mem->inmem_hi = 1502
1998/06/03 16:24:47| storeCheckSwapOut: swapout.queue_offset = 0
1998/06/03 16:24:47| storeCheckSwapOut: swapout.done_offset = 0
1998/06/03 16:24:47| storeCheckSwapOut: lowest_offset = 1502
1998/06/03 16:24:47| cbdataFree: 0xaf24290
1998/06/03 16:24:47| cbdataReallyFree: Freeing 0xaf24290
1998/06/03 16:24:47| storePendingNClients: returning 0
1998/06/03 16:24:47| protoUnregister 'error:unsupported-request-method'
1998/06/03 16:24:47| storeUnregister: called for
1998/06/03 16:24:47| storeUnlockObject: key
'F5C3FDF4CDE7925F202F1C5A01DAC381' c
1998/06/03 16:24:47| storePendingNClients: returning 0
1998/06/03 16:24:47| storeRelease: Releasing:
1998/06/03 16:24:47| destroy_StoreEntry: destroying 0x9d009a0
1998/06/03 16:24:47| ctx: enter level 0: 'error:unsupported-request-method'
1998/06/03 16:24:47| destroy_MemObject: destroying 0xaf10ec8
1998/06/03 16:24:47| destroy_MemObjectData: destroying 0xa5ce9a0, 1502 bytes
1998/06/03 16:24:47| destroying rep: 0xaf10f38
1998/06/03 16:24:47| cleaning hdr: 0xaf10f74
1998/06/03 16:24:47| searching for next e in hdr 0xaf10f74 from -1
1998/06/03 16:24:47| no more entries in hdr 0xaf10f74
1998/06/03 16:24:47| ctx: exit level 0
1998/06/03 16:24:47| cbdataFree: 0xae99768
1998/06/03 16:24:47| cbdataReallyFree: Freeing 0xae99768
1998/06/03 16:24:47| cbdataFree: 0xae6f2e8
1998/06/03 16:24:47| cbdataFree: 0xae6f2e8 has 1 locks, not freeing
1998/06/03 16:24:47| cbdataUnlock: 0xae6f2e8
1998/06/03 16:24:47| cbdataReallyFree: Freeing 0xae6f2e8
1998/06/03 16:24:47| storeUnlockObject: key
'A12D1E2E4BD434C7D843A40AE3C238CC' c
1998/06/03 16:24:47| storePendingNClients: returning 0
1998/06/03 16:24:47| storeRelease: Releasing:
1998/06/03 16:24:47| destroy_StoreEntry: destroying 0x88c6a08
1998/06/03 16:24:47| ctx: enter level 0: '
1998/06/03 16:24:47| destroy_MemObject: destroying 0xaf9f4e8
1998/06/03 16:24:47| destroy_MemObjectData: destroying 0xb00bae0, 0 bytes
1998/06/03 16:24:47| destroying rep: 0xaf9f558
1998/06/03 16:24:47| cleaning hdr: 0xaf9f594
1998/06/03 16:24:47| searching for next e in hdr 0xaf9f594 from -1
1998/06/03 16:24:47| no more entries in hdr 0xaf9f594
1998/06/03 16:24:47| ctx: exit level 0
1998/06/03 16:24:47| cbdataValid: 0xae61678
1998/06/03 16:24:47| cbdataUnlock: 0xae61678
1998/06/03 16:24:47| cbdataReallyFree: Freeing 0xae61678
Received on Wed Jun 03 1998 - 01:46:14 MDT

This archive was generated by hypermail pre-2.1.9 : Tue Dec 09 2003 - 16:40:37 MST