Transparent Proxy and rewritten URL's

From: Simon Richards <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 1998 21:05:19 +0800 (WST)

 First my setup:

 Cisco 2509 running IOS 11.2
 PC running Linux 2.0.34
 Squid 1.NOVM.20 running on port 8080, httpd_accel is virtual 8080
 ipfwadm 2.3.0

 I have read through umpteen pages of information on the subject of
Transparent Proxies, however so far the following problem has not been

 To my knowledge I have everything configured up correctly, I am using the
suggested configuration settings from the squid FAQ. (Except for the
proxy port number :-) Particulary the section dealing with Cisco's and

 When a user has not got proxy settings set in their browser squid tells
them that they are unable to connect to the remote host. After further
investigation I discovered that an address eg was
getting :8080 appended to it. So of course when squid tried contacting the
remote host it was failing because web servers run on port 80 (typically)

 Web sites within our own network are just fine, which is per normal when
you have set up local_domains and local_ips in the squid.conf

 Now when users have the proxy settings configured in their web browser
they encounter no problems whatsoever and there is no :8080 appended.

 I have made the required alterations to my kernel and recompiled it, made
the changes to squid and restarted it, and the Cisco accepts commands on
the fly.

 This problem has me extremely puzzled, my guess is it has something to do
with ipfwadm.

 Any help would be greatly appreciated.

 Simon Richards

                             Simon Richards

  eMail: "Practice random acts of kindness
    UIN: 268947 and senseless acts of beauty."

            Visit the Western Australian Information Resource
Received on Tue Jun 09 1998 - 06:00:08 MDT

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