RE: Performance problem on Solaris 2.5.1

From: Clive Barrows <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 1998 14:48:49 +0100

Although I consider myself to be a Squid apprentice I could not resist
the temptation to reply.

With the cache_mem set, 200MB of Ram is allocated but Squid uses
around 3 times this (yes, I read the FAQ), i.e. 600MB. Thus the problem
could be lack of expected memory.

Maybe a Squid expert could confirm or blow holes in my assessment of
the situation.


> ----------
> From: Ery Punta Hendraswara[]
> Sent: 10 June 1998 04:27
> To:
> Subject: Performance problem on Solaris 2.5.1
> Dear,
> We have Squid V 1.1.21 running on Ultra Sparc 2, RAM 512MB, Harddisk
> 24G, with OS Solaris 2.5.1. We encounter performance degradation after
> running the squid for about 10-12 Hours, we have already follow the
> instruction that we got from the mailing list digest, but we still
> encounter the problem.
> Right now we use GNUMalloc package for the malloc routine and GCC
> as the compiler. The statistic form the cache information show
> the average connection for 1 hour about 50.000-80.000 connections.
> There
> are 20.000 to 30.000 users we have that connected to the internet via
> that solaris box (actually we have 3 identical machine).
> The main configuration of squid.conf show like this :
> cache_swap 17000
> cache_mem 200
> httpd_accel 80
> httpd_accel_with_proxy on
> httpd_accel_uses_host_header on
> we running the machine on transparent proxy mode inconjunction with
> Cisco 7500 router. IP filter 3.2.7 have been installed on the solaris
> box as the redirector. The main problem we got for 10 Hours period,
> the
> memory shown by the vmstat always decrement (it's seem memory leak)
> into
> smaller number (we notice almost 70% of the swap memory used). Paging
> activity is so high, and the disk activity shown by the iostat at the
> level 100%!.
> Could be the memory allocation problem solve by using any other malloc
> library, for example DL malloc ? although we got problem on the
> compiling the DL malloc library for our squid 1.1.21. Or, the Metadisk
> daemon we use can eat all the io process ? (the iostat show very high
> number), avg disk service about 20ms ...
> Is there anybody can help us, we really desperately to get the squid
> machine fine tuned :(
> Thanks
> Ery Punta Hw
> Product Manage
> phone:62-21-3160500
Received on Tue Jun 09 1998 - 06:50:12 MDT

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