squid as accel for SSL possible?

From: Daniel Schild <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 14:40:00 +0200


is it possible to have a squid in accelerator mode handle SSL requests?
If not is someone there who could give some advices where to start some
hacking action (I have the feeling that the accel code rewrites the URL
and then uses normal cache operations to fetch the stuff. As SSL in
proxy mode is possible maybe it works in accel mode too)

Daniel Schild
Dienst- und Applikationsentwicklung
Teleport Sachsen-Anhalt GmbH | RegioCom GmbH
Tel:    ++49 39203 8 3300    | ++49 39203 8 2030
Fax:    ++49 39203 8 3399    | ++49 39203 8 2031
E-Mail: schild@tsa.de        | schild@regiocom.net
S-Mail: Steinfeldstr. 3, 39179 Barleben, Germany
Received on Thu Jun 11 1998 - 05:41:18 MDT

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