Re: FD leak, except, not really

From: Michael O'Reilly <[email protected]>
Date: 15 Jun 1998 11:11:48 +0800

Eric Stern <> writes:
> I noticed this strange thing happening to my squid1.2beta22 recently.
> File descriptor usage for squid:
> Maximum number of file descriptors: 3000
> Largest file desc currently in use: 1007
> Number of file desc currently in use: 116
> Available number of file descriptors: 2884
> Reserved number of file descriptors: 100
> The # in use is staying pretty stable, but the "Largest file desc
> currently in use" keeps going up, like it is not reusing FD #'s. It will
> keep going up until it reaches the max, then squid will jump the reserverd
> number way up, and things stop working, requiring a restart.

Yes, seeing the same thing. Squid reports ~450 fd's used, the kernel
reports closer to 2500. (in fact the squid eventually dies due to
running out of FDs).

Received on Sun Jun 14 1998 - 20:13:24 MDT

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