>Is there some analysis tool where i can generate an output for each
>subnet that accesses squid? We have a lot of class C nets using it and
>some class B net�s, and i need the logs splittet by subnet access....
a simple gawk script would do that
gawk '{ if ( $3 =~ aa.bb.cc. ) {
$c += $5;
} elsif ( $3 =~ aa.bb.dd. ) {
$d += $5;
} else {
$o += $5;
} END {
print "subnet c - $c bytes\n";
print "subnet d - $d bytes\n";
print "not in defined subnets - $o bytes";
}' < squidlogfile
aa.bb.cc. would of course be replaced with you class c subnet addresses
Received on Thu Jun 18 1998 - 04:35:52 MDT
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