Re: data NOT from the cache???

From: Chris Foote <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 23 Jun 1998 18:38:04 +0930 (CST)

On Tue, 23 Jun 1998, Horvath Lorant wrote:

> We are using squid 1.1.20. and connected to the internet through this
> proxy. It caches the web, but I want that my http request's answer come
> NOT from this cache but from the original webserver. Can I tell that to the
> proxy server?? With a http header element or somehow else??

You should probably use:
and perhaps:
cache_stoplist cgi-bin ?

This way your squid should always retrieve data directly from the web
server for every request - well, it worked for me :-)

Note that squid still acts as a proxy, the above just stops it from being
cached. If you want web browsers to access the web server directly, then
it's up to the web browsers to be configured not to use the proxy for the
specific host - providing of course they are able to access it directly.


Chris Foote SE Net
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Received on Tue Jun 23 1998 - 02:09:44 MDT

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