unrecognized: 'no_cache .. in squid v1.1.22

From: Henny Bekker <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 02:59:18 +0200 (METDST)

Dear all,

With squid v1.1.22 it's possible to use then "no_cache" tag in squid.conf
to prevent caching of objects downloaded from certain servers..
The cache.log files indicates however,
   1998/06/30 02:45:13| parseConfigFile: line 597 unrecognized: 'no_cache
   deny Test'
Does Squid v1.1.22 not yet handled the no_cache tag ????

Cheers, Henny

E-Mail: Henny.Bekker@accu.uu.nl   ! Disclaimer: The main obstacle to progress
http    http://www.uu.nl/~henny   !             progress is not ignorance,but
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X500:   cn=Henny Bekker, ou=Ontwikkeling, ou=ACCU, o=UU, c=NL            o
Paper:  H.J.Bekker, Utrecht University, Computer Centre              _  /- _
        Po Box 80011, 3508 TA  Utrecht  Nederland                   (_) > (_)
Received on Mon Jun 29 1998 - 18:00:37 MDT

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