Resource temporarily unavailable

From: Taryoko <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 5 Aug 1998 12:15:11 +0700

Dear all...

Please help me. ...
I've tried to do everything. Even some of you help me to solve this problem (thanks). But,...why it still seem this messages (on my machine) :

Aug 5 12:00:20 wisnu-sakti squid[23181]: clientReadRequest: FD 1946: (11) Resou
rce temporarily unavailable
Aug 5 12:00:50 wisnu-sakti squid[23181]: clientReadRequest: FD 876: (11) Resour
ce temporarily unavailable
Aug 5 12:01:15 wisnu-sakti squid[23181]: clientReadRequest: FD 1193: (11) Resou
rce temporarily unavailable

Anybody can help me please ? If you need more information about my machine please tell me.



T a r y o k o

Multimedia Division
Jl. Kebon Sirih 37 Jakarta Pusat 10340 Indonesia
email :
Received on Tue Aug 04 1998 - 22:16:02 MDT

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