Re: no_cache command doesn't work

From: Duane Wessels <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 10 Aug 1998 10:40:31 -0600

"Julien VIDEAU" writes:

>I'm using Squid 1.2 for some few months and it works quite fine.
>However, I set the no_cache command to avoid caching some sites and I always s
ee that objects from these sites are in the cache.
>Here is my configuration and lines in log files :
>In squid.conf :
>acl QUERY urlpath_regex
>no_cache deny QUERY
>(I tried cache_stoplist and obtained the same result)
>In squid_access.log :
>902484052.515 48 TCP_HIT/200 1785 GET
ot.gif - NONE/-image/gif
>No change was observed when I set :
>refresh_pattern gif$ 0 20% 0

Your ACL has but your access.log entry does not have in

Also note the no_cache directive prvents objects from ENTERING the
cache. Some objects may have entered the cache BEFORE you
installed the no_cache line.

Duane W.
Received on Mon Aug 10 1998 - 09:41:27 MDT

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