Squid 1.1.22 and HTTP Response 304

From: Stephen Ollis <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1998 10:37:58 +1000

Should a HTTP 304 be marked TCP_MISS? I'm seeing our Squid state
that the response for our corporate web page is always TCP_MISS/304
when I know the gifs haven't changed ; I control the `when' of the
site uploads..

I do see TCP_IMS_HIT/304 in the logfiles, but not for our site.
Our web server is NS Enterprise if that makes any difference.

Can you reply directly as I don't think the squid-users-digest
list is working..

Stephen Ollis <ollis@att.net.au> Ph: +61 2 9911 1606(BH)
Senior Systems Engineer +61 2 9911 1555(FAX)
AT&T EasyLink Services, Lvl 8, 15 Orion Rd, Lane Cove, NSW
Australia include std_disclaimer.h
Received on Wed Aug 12 1998 - 17:40:00 MDT

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