Re: Strange message when rotating log files.

From: <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 21 Aug 1998 09:41:36 +0200

> wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > I rotates my squid logs every nights and sometimes (about once
> > a week) I get the following message on the root console :
> >
> > Aug 19 23:46:03 cognac squid[22368]: Failed to fork() for ftpget.
> I think this is in the FAQ.

   Ooops, you are right. I had overlooked this (but I did read the FAQ,
of course).

> You need to have a LOT of swap available to do soft restarts of Squid
> (including rotating logs). Or you could try to change the source to use
> vfork instead of fork when starting the child processes.. Or shut down
> squid, manually rotate the logs and start Squid again.

   I increased my swap. Sorry for bothering everybody, I will be more
cautious next time.

   Claude Lecommandeur.

                    Claude Lecommandeur
                    SIC - EPFL
                    1015 Lausanne (Switzerland)
                    E-Mail : Claude.Lecommandeur@Epfl.Ch
                    Tel : (41 21) 6932297
                    Fax : (41 21) 6932220
Received on Fri Aug 21 1998 - 00:42:36 MDT

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