Squid cannot handle load?

From: Mark Dabrowski <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 11:52:57 -0400

It seems like every evening, after squid running for few days without
restarting, with the 3GB cache is slowing down. That happens where there are
about 300 active http sessions going to squid machine. We have 5 machines
and all of them are showing the same problem.

In the morning, everything works great, (without restarting squid), but of
course at that time, there are only 50 sessions open.

What I mean slowing down, is when you make request, it takes 5 seconds until
netscape clears thje window and everything starts downloading slowly.
Sometimes it will stop in half and wait for 1 minute or so.

Each squid box is P300+ machine with 256MB of ram and 3 GB swap size. It
runsFreeBSD 2.2.6

In the evening the squid proccess uses about 30-40% of CPU time.

What is wrong? Is that something wrong with the config file? We noticed
similar behaviour with squid running on BSDI, and Solaris so it is not the

What are the limitations of squid?

******** * * * * * * * * *
* Mark Dabrowski - Systems Engineer
* ICA Canada On-Line Inc.
* Tel. (416) 324-2663 ext. 5067
* ICQ# 6583668
******** * * * * * * * * *
Received on Mon Aug 24 1998 - 08:54:51 MDT

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