Re: IP acl broken in version 2?

From: Duane Wessels <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 02 Nov 1998 09:49:10 -0700

Eduardo Kaftanski writes:

>Duane Wessels wrote:
>> Add "28,9" to debug_options in squid.conf, then restart or reconfigure.
>I did as told... and:
>1998/11/02 11:43:14| aclMatchAcl: checking 'acl lanchile src
>1998/11/02 11:43:14| aclMatchIp: '' NOT found
>1998/11/02 11:43:14| aclMatchAclList: returning 0
>But in the file:
>[root@dominga squid2]# grep 118
>/usr/local/squid/etc/squid.ip_autorizados | grep 128
>So im stuck...

So it seems either the address is not being loaded into Squid,
or the splay tree searching has bugs.

Can you do this next:

        client mgr:config@PASSWD | grep '^acl' | grep 57.228

Duane W.
Received on Mon Nov 02 1998 - 09:53:34 MST

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