Re: Cache digests of partly-fetched objects?

From: Alex Rousskov <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1998 14:25:05 -0700 (MST)

On Wed, 4 Nov 1998, John Sloan wrote:

> Ok. What debugging do I need to enable, and I'll experiment.

There is no straightforward approach. Here is a list of things to

        - be sure you are running Squid with NO refreshWhen()
          function in refresh.c

        - check per-algorithm refresh stats using cache manager
          interface; those will tell you what/why objects where
          not digested. If stats look bad, check your default "."
          pattern -- it is used for digesting most of the entries
          (entries that become stale in one hour are not digested).
          Note that _other_ patterns may be used for actual HTTP
          requests from your peers. If the "." refresh_pattern
          is too relaxed, you will get a lot of false hits. If too
          strict, a lot of false misses.

        - select a few false hits of your choice and verify _why_
          they were false. You can check the headers of the replies
          for X-Cache-Lookup and X-Cache entries.

Let us know if you have any interesting results or questions.


Received on Wed Nov 04 1998 - 14:19:35 MST

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