Refresh rules - Squid v2.0 - Suggested FAQ item

From: Richard Dale <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 6 Nov 1998 10:30:19 +0800

For those of you that want some pre-built refresh rules, here's some I
cooked up earlier:

What this means is that:
Most of my graphics, movies, sounds, archives, data files, java objects are
kept fresh for quite a while (since they rarely change).
Web pages are not kept fresh for too long but some should still stay fresh
and many should pass the IMS check.
Other objects are also checked with an IMS check before grabbing (kept fresh
for 10 minutes though).

Perhaps a few default configs for this would be nice for the FAQ....

refresh_pattern \.gif$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.GIF$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.tif$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.tiff$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.bmp$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.jpg$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.JPG$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.jpe$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.jpeg$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.JPEG$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.xbm$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.png$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.wrl$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.ico$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.pnm$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.pbm$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.pgm$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.ppm$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.rgb$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.ppm$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.rgb$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.xpm$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.xwd$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.pic$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.pict$ 14400 80% 43200
# Movies
refresh_pattern \.mov$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.mpg$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.mpeg$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.mpe$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.avi$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.qt$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.qtm$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.viv$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.swf$ 14400 80% 43200
# sounds
refresh_pattern \.wav$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.aif$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.aiff$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.au$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.ram$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.ra$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.snd$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.mid$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.mp2$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.mp3$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.mp2$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.mp3$ 14400 80% 43200
# archives
refresh_pattern \.sit$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.zip$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.hqx$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.exe$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.arj$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.lzh$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.lha$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.cab$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.rar$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.tar$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.gz$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.Z$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.a[0-9][0-9]$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.r[0-9][0-9]$ 14400 80% 43200
# Data files
refresh_pattern \.txt$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.pdf$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.doc$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.rtf$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.tex$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.latex$ 14400 80% 43200
# Java-type objects
refresh_pattern \.class$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.js$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.class$ 14400 80% 43200
refresh_pattern \.js$ 14400 80% 43200
# Web-type objects
refresh_pattern \.css$ 10 20% 4320
refresh_pattern \.htm$ 10 20% 4320
refresh_pattern \.html$ 10 20% 4320
refresh_pattern \/$ 10 20% 4320
# Default
refresh_pattern . 10 20% 4320

Richard Dale - AOT Consulting
        Suite 4, Business Centre, Technology Park
        2 Brodie Hall Drive
        Bentley Perth WA 6102 Australia
        ph +61 8 9451 0853 fax +61 8 9451 0889
 AOT Consulting has a policy to use digital signatures
and certificates for confidential information. Please contact
us if you wish to exchange information using this
security mechanism.
Received on Thu Nov 05 1998 - 19:19:14 MST

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