Re: not releasing file descriptors ?

From: Henrik Nordstrom <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 00:46:07 +0100

Mark Reynolds wrote:
> Squid version 2.0.PATCH2
> Everything else seems fine.
> Redhat 5.1, SCSI drives, 128 meg ram.
> Squid doesn't seem to be releasing (or maybe even closing connection)
> file descriptors for for at least
> a few days.

This is a known error in Squid 2 up to 2.1.PRE2 that is triggered by a
https bug in Netscape. Patch available from named "Squid-2.1.PRE1: Close server
connection on unsupported protocol".

But you should also fix the client issue, or the end user will se errors
when trying to access https sites. Netscapes security proxy setting only
works if you are using a different hostname than the other protocols.
Using different case for the security proxy is sufficient to avoid this
Netscape bug, but I would recommend using entirely different hostname
(like s-proxy or something similar).

Henrik Nordstrom
Spare tiem Squid hacker
Received on Mon Nov 09 1998 - 17:21:48 MST

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