new on the list

From: Ignacio Sanchez Casanova <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1998 04:51:47 -0600

i�m ignacio sanchez from, Mexico
I�m ISP and i have a 500 users ( baby ISP)
in mexico the banwith is soo expensive, a 256 k fractinal E1 is about 2000usdlls/month, i need to learn about how to configure a cache server.
in your url dont find , what hardware i need ( server ej. pentim 200, 128 ram.....etc)
I have a pentium 233 , 128 ram and 4 gb scsi with linux OS.
this sever is good or not.
i hope your reply.
sorry my english is soo bad, but i�m read english better.

ignacio sanchez
Eisei Net.
Received on Tue Nov 17 1998 - 02:59:41 MST

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