Squid and ipfilter

From: Anthony Ryan <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 14:33:52 +0000 (GMT)

I'm using ipfilter 3.2.9 to do transparent cacheing with squid on
solaris 2.6. The squid FAQ suggests the following rule in ipnat.rules
should work:

rdr hme0 port 80 -> port 8080 tcp

but nothing happens. However, if I use the following in ipnat.rules it
all works and squid receives the requests transparently (where
143.53.xx.xx ipaddress of the solaris server with ipfilter and
ipfilter-enabled squid installed):

rdr hme0 port 80 -> 143.53.xx.xx port 8080 tcp

Because the second version works, I'm confident that the squid is
configured OK but anyone know why the first version doesn't work ?

Anthony Ryan
Computer Centre, Bradford University
Received on Wed Nov 18 1998 - 07:51:30 MST

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