Re: dnsserver probs with two network interfaces

From: Adalto Silva Correia Filho <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 14:22:44 -0300 (GRNLNDST)

Hi Achim,
Hi Squiders,

        This problem affects my squid too. I've a IBM Risc 7013 (just one
ethernet interface active) with squid, and it isn't unnusual that the
dnsserver can't resolve a domain, while the nslookup gets the IP without
any problem.

        Any help will be really welcome. This is one of those things that
forces the user to remove the cache configuration from their browsers.



> Hi!
> I've a machine with two different IP-addresses; using squid.2.1.RELEASE.
> The program 'dnsserver' produces something like this:
> % squid/bin/dnsserver
> $fail DNS Domain '' is invalid: Host not found (authoritative).
> ... and now 'nslookup':
> Non-authoritative answer:
> Name:
> Address:
> Aliases:
> Any ideas what's going wrong?? Thanks for the help!
> Cheers, Achim
> --
> Silicon Graphics GmbH | Email: Achim Gorski <>
> Frankfurter Str. 720-726 | Phone: +49-2203-9312-24
> D-51145 Koeln, Germany | VM : +330-8891
> Mail-Stop: IDE-3160 | Fax : +49-2203-9312-20
Received on Wed Nov 18 1998 - 10:45:16 MST

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